Why Travel With NUY Travel?
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Largest Selection

130+ airlines
140,000+ hotels worldwide.

We’re always here

Call or email us, anytime
Get 24-hour support before, during, and after your trip.


Accurate handling of travel arrangements
Extraordinary services.

Who Are We?

NUY Travel is a family business with 36 years of experience in the field of tourism, during which our business had developed greatly to meet our clients needs from meet and assist to what your mind can imagine.

Our mission in life is not to get ahead of others but to get ahead of ourselves–to break our own records, to outstrip our yesterdays by our today, to do our work with more force than ever before.

Our Team

N.U.Y Travel is supported by a multilingual,highly professional staff and latest technology which by all means gives our clients a very great confidence to travel anywhere in the world feeling very comfort as we assure that our clients will enjoy their time while traveling under our flag.

Our Skills
Our experience - 36 years
Client satisfaction
World wide destinations
No hidden coasts
Better safe than sorry!
Cushion your self and your family while traveling.....
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Meet Totally Renewed Honey Moon Packages You always dreamed of!

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